Tuesday, February 24, 2015

New Books added in Circulation Section

Central Library has added 56 no. of books in the Circulation Section. All the students  are requested to collect the books.

NIT, Silchar          TITLES BY ACCESSION NO.       Date :24/02/2015

Accn No.          Title Details                                          Status
91959    Concepts and techniques of geographic information
         systems / Lo, C. P.
         910.285 LO

91960                     "

91961                     "

91962                     "

91963                     "

91964                     "

91965                     "

91966                     "

91967                     "

91968                     "

91969    Water resources engineering / Wurbs, Ralph A.
         627 WUR

91970    Irrigation water management : principles and practice
          / Majumdar, Dilip Kumar.
         627.52 MAJ

91971                     "

91972    Analysis and design practice of hydraulic concrete
         structures / Ghosh, Karuna Moy.
         624.1834 GHO

91973                     "

91974    Experiments in fluid mechanics / Singh, Sarbjit .
         620.106 SIN

91975                     "

91976                     "

91977    Highway engineering / Wright, Paul H.
         625.7 WRI

91978                     "

91979                     "
91980    Highway engineering / Wright, Paul H.
         625.7 WRI

91981                     "

91982    Transportation systems analysis : models and
         applications / Cascetta, Ennio.
         629.04 CAS

91983    Applications of agent technology in traffic and
         transportation / Klugl, Franziska.
         629.04028563 APP

91984    Sustainable transport planning for walking and cycling
         in urban environments / Tolley,  Rodney. ed.
         388.411 SUS

91985    Wireless Ad Hoc and sensor networks: theory and
         applications / Li, Xiangyang.
         621.384 LI

91986    Fundamentals of digital communication / Madhow,
         621.382 MAD

91987    Wireless communications / Molisch, Andreas F.
         621.384 MOL

91988    Principles of digital image processing : Fundamental
         techniques / Burger, Wilhelm.
         621.367 BUR

91989                     "

91990                     "

91991                     "

91992                     "

91993    Remote sensing digital image analysis : an introduction
          / Richards, John A.
         621.3678 RIC

91994                     "

91995                     "

91996                     "

91997    Remote sensing digital image analysis : an introduction
          / Richards, John A.
         621.3678 RIC

91998    Digital processing of random signals: theory and
         methods / Porat, Boaz.
         621.3822015195 POR

91999    Introduction to sensors for ranging and imaging
          / Brooker, Graham.
         621.367 BRO

92000                     "

92001    Handbook of electrical engineering calculations
          / Phadke, Arun G. ed.
         621.3 HAN

92002                     "

92003    Signal and image processing for remote sensing / Chen,
         C. H. ed.
         621.3678 SIG

92004                     "

92005                     "

92006                     "

92007                     "

92008    Mathematical principles of signal processing :fourier
         and wavelet analysis / Bremaud, Pierre.
         621.38220151 BRE

92009                     "

92010                     "

92011                     "

92012                     "

92013    Optimal device design / Levi, A. F. J. ed.
         658.5752 OPT

92014    Optoelectronic devices: design, modeling and simulation
          / Li, Xun.
         621.381045 LI

                              No. of Items = 56

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


New Books Added to Book Bank Section

NIT, Silchar       TITLES BY ACCESSION NO.           Page : 1
                          Date : 16/02/2015
Accn No.          Title Details 

91826    Data structures using C and C++ / Langsam, Yedidyah.
         005.73 LAN

91827                     "

91828    Basic structural analysis / Reddy, C. S.
         624.171 RED

91829                     "

91830    Textbook of machine design / Khurmi, R. S.
         621.815 KHU

91831    Communication systems / Haykin , Simon.
         621.382 HAY

91832    Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits
          / Gray, Paul R.
         621.3815 ANA

91833                     "

91834    Management information systems / Oz, Effy.
         657.07 OZ

91835                     "

91836    A textbook of optics / Subrahmanyam, N.
         535 SUB

91837                     "

91838    Computer graphics : C version / Hearn, Donald.
         006.6 HEA

91839                     "

91840    Strength of materials : mechanics of solids in SI units
          / Rajput,R.K.
         620.112 RAJ

91841    Engineering mechanics / Timoshenko, S.
         620.1 ENG

91842                     "

91843    Engineering thermodynamics / Nag, P.K.
         621.4021 NAG

91844                     "

91845    Database management systems / Ramakrishnan, Raghu.
         005.74 RAM

91846                     "

91847    Satellite communication / Arora, Anurag.
         621.3825 ARO

91848                     "

91849    Principles of power system : including generation,
         transmission, distribution, switchgear and protection
          / Mehta, V. K.
         621.319 MEH

91850                     "

91851    Power plant engineering / Nag, P. K.
         621.3121 NAG

91852                     "

91853    Textbook of electrical technology / Theraja, B. L.
         621.3 THE

91854                     "

91855    Textbook of electrical technology / Theraja, B. L.
         621.3 THE

91856                     "

91857    Engineering drawing:plane and solid geometry / Bhatt,
         604.0042 BHA

91858                     "

91859    Engineering mechanics : statics and dynamics / Nelson,
         531.02462 NEL

91860    Surveying / Punmia, B. C.
         526.9 PUN

91861                     "

91862    Surveying / Punmia, B. C.
         526.9 PUN

91863    Surveying / Punmia, B. C.
         526.9 PUN

91864    Building construction: an elementary as well as
         advanced course for engineering students / Punmia,
         690.1 PUN

91865                     "

91866    Physics of semiconductor devices / Sze, S.M.
         537.622 SZE

91867                     "

91868    Principles of electronics / Mehta, V. K.
         621.381 MEH

91869                     "

91870    Electrical power systems / Wadhwa, C.L.
         621.3121 WAD

91871                     "

91872    Power electronics / Singh, M D.
         621.317 SIN

91873                     "

91874    Textbook of electrical technology / Theraja, B. L.
         621.31 / THE

91875    Electric machines / Kothari, D P.
         621.31042 KOT

91876                     "

91877    Computer networks / Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
         004.65 TAN

91878                     "

91879    Advanced engineering mathematics / Kreyszig, Erwin.
         510.2462 KRE

91880                     "

91881    Software engineering : a practitioner's approach
          / Pressman, Roger S.
         005.1 PRE

91882    Software engineering : a practitioner's approach
          / Pressman, Roger S.
         005.1 PRE

91883    Textbook of machine design / Khurmi, R. S.
         621.815 KHU

91884    Textbook of electrical technology / Theraja, B. L.
         621.3 THE

91885                     "

91886    Strength of materials : mechanics of solids in SI units
          / Rajput,R.K.
         620.112 RAJ

91887                     "

91888    MATLAB: an introduction with applications / Gilat,
         621.3822 GIL

91889                     "

91890    Computer graphics : C version / Hearn, Donald.
         006.6 HEA

91891                     "

91892                     "

91893    Engineering thermodynamics / Nag, P.K.
         621.4021 NAG

91894                     "

91895                     "

91896    Network analysis and synthesis / Kuo, Franklin F.
         621.3192 KUO

91897                     "

91898    A textbook of optics / Subrahmanyam, N.
         535 SUB

91899                     "

91900    Engineering mechanics : in si units / Timoshenko, S.
         531.02462 ENG

91901    Engineering mechanics : in si units / Timoshenko, S.
         531.02462 ENG

91902                     "

91903                     "

91904                     "

91905    VLSI technology / Sze, S. M.
         621.38173 SZE

91906                     "

91907                     "

91908                     "

91909    Data structures using C and C++ / Langsam, Yedidyah.
         005.73 LAN

91910                     "

91911    VLSI fabrication principles: silicon and gallium
         arsenide / Ghandhi, Sorab K.
         621.38171 GHA

91912                     "

91913    Introduction to nanotechnology / Poole, Charles P.
         620.5 POO

91914                     "

91915    Software engineering : a practitioner's approach
          / Pressman, Roger S.
         005.1 PRE

91916                     "

91917    Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits
          / Gray, Paul R.
         621.3815 ANA

91918                     "

91919    Database management systems / Ramakrishnan, Raghu.
         005.74 RAM

91920                     "

91921    Electrical power systems / Wadhwa, C.L.
         621.3121 WAD

91922    Telecommunication switching systems and networks
          / Viswanathan, Thiagarajan.
         621.382 1 VIS

91923    Building construction: an elementary as well as
         advanced course for engineering students / Punmia,
         690.1 PUN

91924                     "

91925    Electric machines / Kothari, D P.
         621.31042 KOT

91926                     "

91927                     "

91928                     "

91929                     "

                              No. of Items = 104